Collection, centralization and dissemination of data on SMEs
investigations to determine the economic contribution of SMEs and improve the monitoring of their evolution and their operational performance;
providing information on SMEs to policy makers, researchers, professional organizations, and SMEs themselves;
structuring and regular updating of a file of small and medium enterprises in Cameroon;
edition of technical notes and reports offering a structured vision of the reality of small and medium
enterprises in Cameroon;
implementation, at the request of interested parties by SMEs, of statistical analyzes of the information contained in the file of small and medium-sized enterprises;
conducting market research and providing strategic advice for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises;
edition of business notes for small and medium-sized businesses;
conducting studies useful for identifying good practices in the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially internationally;
organization of processes of capitalization and fertilization of knowledge and experiences for a better knowledge of the universe of small and medium enterprises and its environment;
monitoring and / or control of small and medium-sized enterprises receiving credits or support from the public authorities in the context of enterprise development.