It emanate from the legal framework which :
- Sets the general rules of promotion of Small an Medium sized Entreprises (SMEs), pursuant to the Charter of Investissements in the Republic of Cameroon, under law no 2010/001 of April 13, 2010;
- Organizes the functioning of the Small and Medium Sized Entreprises Promotion Agency (SMEPA), in accordance with the provision of decree no 2013/092 of the 03 April 2013;
- Organizes the functioning of the one-stop desk of the Small and Sized Entreprises Promotion Agency (the One-Stop), pursuant to order no 0004/MINPMESSA of February 07, 2014.
Therefore, article 3 of decree 2013/297 of the 09 September 2013 stipulates that the SMEPA is responsible, in collaboration with administrations and relevant public and private bodies for :
- Implementing the sectoral strategy for the promotion and development of Small and Medium sized Entreprises;
- Facilitating enterprises creation formalities;
- Assisting and advising ideas and projects holder on business creation;
- Coaching enterprises in the elaboration of management tools that meet their organizational, technical, financial, marketing and technological needs;
- Building the managerial capacities of Small and Medium Entreprises owners through information, training, mentoring and coaching;
- Setting up a projects data base available to promotors of Small and Medium Entreprises;
- Promoting in collaboration with the relevant institutions and bodies, of technological innovation and the use by Small and Medium Enterprises of research results and the assets of intellectual property;
- Creating and Observatory of Small and Medium Enterprises;
- Establishing partnership relations with national and international structures supporting Small and Medium Enterprises in Cameroon;
- Facilitating the access of Small and Medium Enterprises to funding for their activities;
- Carrying out market studies and making strategic choices towards the development of Small and Medium Enterprises;
- Facilitating the creation and development of a network of Small and Medium Enterprises;
- Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises public incubators;
- Assisting Small and Medium Enterprises in investment implementation;
- Facilitating the access of Small and Medium Enterprises to markets;
- Facilitating the establishment of partnership relations between Small and Medium Enterprises and larges enterprises;
- The provision, to local SMEs, of public services which are entitled to enterprises that apply for or have benefited from one of the plans of the Investment Charter, the follow-up program of enterprises recipient of the advantages of the Charter and of the law organizing private investment incentives in the Republic of Cameroon;
- Executing the programs elaborated with the support of donors, as well as providing follow-up and control services Small and Medium Enterprises receiving credits and supports from public authorities within the framework of enterprises development strategy.