Project content and areas of interest in a nutshell
The aim of the Programme’s component is to develop a specialised range of services for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Agri-foods within SMEPA. Actions are particularly geared towards the following areas:
Labelling/certification targeting Business Development Service (BDS) providers, professional organisations of Agrifood SMEs, producer organisations in agricultural sectors, incubators and Approved Management Centres (AMCs);
Ongoing capacity-building for BDS providers and providing support in business development;
Formalising businesses via Enterprise Creation Procedure Centres (ECPCs) and Approved Management Centres (AMCs);
Facilitating access to various incentives for SMEs and managing the One-stop Shop for Private Investment Incentives;
Bringing together economic players and financial institutions;
Infusing vitality in the local economic environment through various activities to promote local economic development initiatives (with a view to decentralising the country’s 2 current economic development centres, Yaounde and Douala);
Carrying out research and development as well as actions to enrich the toolbox of BDS providers and services provided to Microfinance Institutions (MFIs), in a bid to support the development of new financial and non-financial products by these players.

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