What actions does the APME perform in support to enterprise development?
Considering the challenges of competitiveness, performance and sustainability that SMEs have to overcome, it is crucial to provide them with the tools and the capacities they need so as to prepare them to effectively cope with the constant changes in the national and international environment in which they are called upon to operate.
This support is, therefore, a critical factor for sustainability, increase in output, competitiveness and empowerment of newly or recently created enterprises.
In this vein, the areas of support to SMEs development that will be prioritized by APME will include:
- The systematic diagnosis of all SMEs at the organisational, strategic and functional levels (financial, marketing, technical, legal, etc.)
- Managerial capacity building of SME managers;
- The identification of specific technical training modules per sector or branch of activity and the putting in place of long-lasting training mechanisms;
- The establishment of SMEs monitoring/evaluation mechanisms;
- structuring of SMEs;
- The promotion of SMEs partnerships and networks (horizontal and vertical);
- Support to SMEs support and assistance organs;
- Strengthening of the local consultancy sector by creating in particular a trainer-consultant repertoire and the assistance to promoters in their quest for funding and in their relationships with the banks;
- Establishment of the cheque-service/counsel-training mechanism;
- promotion of standards and quality principles within the SMEs;
- Formalization of the involvement of regional and local authorities in the Cameroon’s SMEs dynamics and development;
- The development of local resources through the creation of products poles and rural and semi-urban enterprises;
- The promotion of Enterprise Societal Responsibility (ESR) within the SMEs so they can begin to get involved in sustainable development challenges.