What are the facilities offered by APME in the business creation process?


The business creation process begins from the promoter’s project idea right through to its formalisation. APME has put in place a good number of facilitation tools including incubators and enterprise nurseries, Enterprises Creation Procedures Centres (CFCE) and Authorised Management Centres (CGA).


Enterprise Incubators and nurseries

As concerns enterprise incubators and nurseries, APME has put in place a complete process that aims at promoting entrepreneurship, project maturation and project support and follow-up during the early years of existence of the enterprises, in order to reduce their death rate.


Enterprises Creation Procedures Centres (CFCE) on their part offer facilities such as:

  • The simplification of the documents required to set up enterprises (single enterprise creation form obtainable at the CFCE, location plan signed by the applicant, just a photocopy of the NIC, the lease contract that can be presented after three (3) months and a simple declaration on honour valid for seventy five (75) days).
  • Once the file is submitted at the reception of the CFCE and the creation fee paid, the promoter is issued his business licence, taxpayer’s card and business registration (RCCM) within three days, that is 72 hours. His enterprise is created.
  • As part of the reforms underway, business creation formalities will henceforth be accomplished online as from 2016. Payment will also be made online via Mobile Money.
  • The taxpayer’s card will henceforth be biometric and will be valid for ten (10) years (source: General Directorate of Taxation).


Approved Management Centres (CGA)

Approved Management Centres (CGA) on the other hand will receive promoters or taxpayers with a turnover of not more than three billion FCFA.

They will register according to their annual contributions and subscriptions. Their annual turnover should range between 15 million and 3 billion, and the SMEs should present a real management need.

In this respect, the Ministry of Finance will oversee the supervision in terms of the managerial and technical capacities building.

The CGAs provide assistance to SME/SMI in management, accounting and taxation. Such services are provided in the areas of:

  • Permanent accounting assistance through the keeping of regular accounting records, the production of financial statements of their members in the forms prescribed by the laws in force.
  • Taxation assistance through the production of tax returns and assistance in audit, recovery and litigation.
  • Assistance in management, in particular as concerns organisation and planning;
  • Assistance and support in accomplishing any administrative procedure necessary in their mission.
  • Continuous training and information of members.

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