APME legal framework This comprises a law and decrees relating to the creation, organisation and functioning of the Small and Medium-Sized Promotion Agency (APME). Law No 2010/001 of 13 April…
One Stop-Shop
Advantages of Tax and Custom Incentives at the Single Desk for Incentives on Private Investments of APME. OBJECTIVE : To sensitive and inform SMEs on how to invest, achieve wealth and…
Youth Entrepreneuship
Back to class of the program for the promotion of entrepreneurship spirit among youths. OBJECTIVE : By 2020, 10,000 youth will be SENSITIZED AND TRAINED on how to inculcate the entrepreneurship…
DIAGNOSTIC-RESTRUCTURATION OF YOUR ENTERPRISE OBJECTIVE : To review the heal (DIAGNOSIS) of 500 companies by 2020 and to administer a lasting solution (RESTRUCTURE) to make them more competitive. PARTNERS : JICA (…
Critical Analysis of Cameroon Manufacturing
Based on a questionnaire concerning all domains related to the environment and the management of the enterprise (product, market, supply channels, control, prices, financial management, managerial experience, decision-making procedures, difficulties…
Expected results
R1 : Les capacités d‘intervention de l‘APME auprès des PMEA, ainsi que sa couverture géographique sont améliorées; R2 : Les PME agroalimentaires voient leurs capacités renforcées via le dispositif de…