Our vision
Considering that our vision is to « become a reference in the support to SMEs »,we are committed to the process of continuous improvement of our services. We, therefore, implement…
Considering that our vision is to « become a reference in the support to SMEs »,we are committed to the process of continuous improvement of our services. We, therefore, implement…
DECREE No. 2018/629 of October 25, 2018 on the organization of the Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in abbreviated "APME" and hereinafter referred to as "the…
Headquarters: Yaounde-Tsinga, Boulevard du Sultan NJOYA P.O: 35 186 Yaoundé-Cameroun Tel. (237) 222 219 296 Email: Contact@apme.cm Littoral Regional Branch: Located in Douala within the premises of the Enterprise Creation Procedures Centre (CFCE)…
It emanate from the legal framework which : Sets the general rules of promotion of Small an Medium sized Entreprises (SMEs), pursuant to the Charter of Investissements in the Republic…